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Make a Jira Ticketing System

Make a Jira Ticketing System

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Oh, because managing requests and tracking issues is so easy without a system, right? Not quite. That's where the Jira ticketing system comes in.

You're about to learn how to set up a Jira system that's as unique as your business, one that ensures no request or issue falls through the cracks. It's not just about setting it up, though; you'll find out how to customize it to precisely fit your business needs.

But before we jump into all that, let's first understand what Jira is and why it's the project management tool you didn't know you needed. Trust me, by the end of this, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

Key Takeaways

  • Jira is a versatile ticketing tool that can be used for project management, customer service, and internal request management.
  • Jira offers a wide range of features such as task creation, timeline management, automation, and customizable knowledge base options.
  • Integration with the Atlassian platform enhances collaboration and transparency.
  • By creating a service desk project, inviting team members, and customizing workflows, users can effectively manage tickets and prioritize them based on urgency and volume.

How to Create a Jira Ticketing System

Diving into the creation of a Jira ticketing system, you'll first need to differentiate between Jira and Jira Service Desk as they offer distinct solutions for varying purposes.

Jira, primarily a project management tool, is ideal for managing issues from technical or product teams. On the other hand, Jira Service Desk, designed for customer support, handles external customer requests and internal employee requests efficiently.

To create a ticketing system using Jira Service Desk, start by registering as a user and choosing a suitable plan. You'll then set up a service desk project, giving it a name, assigning a project key, and selecting a relevant template.

As a registered user, you can add, edit, and organize request types and queues to manage your customer and service desk team perspectives effectively.


Let's kick off with some basics about Atlassian's two main products: Jira Software and Jira Service Management. Understanding these tools is a vital step before you create a new ticketing system.

Jira Software, primarily designed for project management, helps technical teams plan, track, and manage software products. It's a go-to tool for product managers and developers, making Jira ticketing seamless.

On the other hand, Jira Service Management is tailored to handle internal requests. Whether it's an IT help or facilities management, this tool makes managing employee requests a breeze. And the best part? It connects seamlessly with Jira Software for issue escalation.

When setting up a ticketing system, your primary audience – be it product managers, developers, employees, or customers – will determine which Jira product to use.

Creating a ticketing system with Jira not only promotes efficient task management but also allows for seamless integration across the Atlassian platform. This means you can connect Jira Software with other tools like Trello, Bitbucket, and Confluence for enhanced collaboration, continuous delivery, and knowledge management.

Ready to set up a ticketing system? Stay tuned for the next section.

Understanding Jira as a Ticketing Tool

Now that you're familiar with the basics of Jira and its two main products, it's crucial to grasp how Jira functions as a ticketing tool. You can create a system for managing your organization's tasks, issues, and requests with precision and efficiency. This is where Jira shines, allowing you to create a ticketing service tailored to your team's needs.

The process starts by accessing the Projects section from the Service Desk dashboard. Here, you'll create a new project or queue and define its parameters. This is your base for the new ticketing system. From here, you can start customizing your workflows, enabling efficient ticket management.

Jira Service Desk, particularly the Standard or Premium plan, is the go-to solution for many teams. It's robust enough to handle external customer requests, but also versatile enough for internal employee requests, like IT help and facilities management.

The beauty of Jira lies in its adaptability. Whether you're setting up a system for technical team requests or customer service, Jira's ticketing service is designed to streamline your management processes. Understanding this tool is a significant step towards a more efficient workflow.

What is Jira and its key features?

In the vast world of project management and ticketing tools, Jira stands out with its robust features designed to streamline technical team's workflows and improve customer satisfaction. Its key features allow you to add a new dimension of efficiency to your workflows.

As a comprehensive platform, it helps you create new tasks, manage project timelines, and coordinate team members' efforts, all while integrating with other Atlassian products. For customer service, Jira Service Management centralizes conversations, reducing back-and-forths and ensuring no customer query gets lost.

Jira's request types vary, helping your product experts categorize and prioritize tasks. Whether dealing with external customer requests or internal employee ones, Jira has got you covered. It's also PinkVERIFY certified, giving you the peace of mind that you're working within industry standards.

Jira doesn't stop there, it offers advanced features such as automation for repetitive tasks, prioritized queues for efficient task management, SLA compliance, comprehensive reporting, and customizable knowledge base options. All these features make Jira a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your team's productivity and customer satisfaction.

Benefits of using Jira as a ticketing system

Harnessing the power of Jira as a ticketing system can bring a wealth of benefits to your organization, from streamlined workflows to improved customer satisfaction. By creating one unified system, you're able to efficiently manage both customers and internal requests in a single queue. This drastically reduces the chance of losing track of important conversations, saving your team valuable time and boosting your customer satisfaction rates.

Adding Jira to your toolbox allows for seamless integration across the Atlassian platform. This creates a comprehensive digital pipeline to manage tasks, encouraging collaboration between different teams. It also provides a new level of transparency that can dramatically improve your service quality.

One key feature of Jira is its knowledge base. This handy tool helps you to manage information more effectively, reducing repetitive tasks and ensuring that vital data is easily accessible. With Jira, you can also add an online community to your system. This not only increases customer engagement but also provides an additional resource to help solve problems and share solutions.

Explore Jira's robust features and see how it can revolutionize your ticketing system.

Creating a Ticketing System with Jira

Let's dive into how you can create an efficient ticketing system with Jira.

First, you'll need to register and sign up for an account. If you're already registered, just sign in. Jira offers different options for plans, including Standard and Premium, both come with a seven-day free trial.

Once logged in, access the Projects section from the Service Desk dashboard. Here, you'll create your service desk project. Name the project, assign a project key, and choose a template that best fits your team's needs. This process takes less time than you might think!

Next, invite your team to join the project. They'll receive an email invitation to sign up for Jira and join your project. Once they've joined, they can start adding tickets and comments.

Managing your tickets effectively is crucial. Create different request types for better organization, and add a comment to each for clarity. Prioritize tickets based on urgency and volume. High-volume tickets may require additional management strategies.

Lastly, customize your workflows based on request type. Jira's flexibility allows it to seamlessly integrate with other Atlassian products, enhancing your team's communication and efficiency.

External Customer Requests

Managing external customer requests in Jira becomes a breeze when you integrate it with Help Scout, ensuring your customers can submit requests through their preferred channels and helping you reduce duplicate bugs. This integration is easily set up using document.createElement(script); scriptTag.src and callback; scriptTag.onload, allowing for seamless communication between the two platforms.

You can configure Help Scout to accept requests from an allocated email address, making it a one-stop-shop for customer interactions. This helps you serve as thought leaders in your field by providing efficient, streamlined service. Additional features like the knowledge base builder and live chat support enhance your ability to respond to customer queries swiftly.

Help Scout offers both free trial and paid plans, allowing you to test the waters before fully committing. The paid plans come with added benefits such as priority support and advanced reporting, which can help you improve your service over time.

Bear in mind that while Jira is great at handling internal requests, it shines when dealing with external customer requests. By integrating it with Help Scout, you're creating a robust system that can handle any customer request that comes your way.

Internal Employee Requests

When it comes to handling internal employee requests, Jira Service Management offers a comprehensive solution, focusing on areas such as IT help and facilities management. This system allows employees to report issues directly through a portal, promoting efficiency and structure.

However, to utilize these features, you must be a registered user in the system. As one of the vital internal users, you'll have the ability to create, view, and manage requests. Whether you're handling an IT help ticket or a facilities management issue, this system offers a seamless connection with Jira Software, making issue escalation a breeze.

Technical Team Requests

In the world of technical teams, the ability to raise requests for support, resources, and assistance is a crucial aspect of their operations. A Jira ticketing system optimizes this process, allowing your team to get fast answers from people who can help them.

When constructing technical team requests, you'll need to include clear and detailed descriptions of the issues. This will ensure your const dwellTimeTracker is accurate, and your team can find solutions quickly. Remember, Leaders are connectors, facilitating the flow of information across the team.

Once you've defined your request, categorize it based on urgency, impact, and technical domain. This helps prioritize tasks and ensures that critical issues are addressed first. To do this, use the callback; location.appendChild(scriptTag) function in the Jira system.

Regular updates and communication are also vital. Use the window.ATL.lozad.observe(); $.get(window.ATL._BASE_ENDPOINT_URL) feature to track the progress of your requests. With this, you're not just managing requests; you're actively driving your team's operations towards success.

How can a Jira Ticketing System help in dealing with tough customers?

A Jira Ticketing System can assist in dealing with difficult customers by providing a centralized platform for managing customer issues. It allows for detailed tracking, communication, and resolution of customer concerns, ensuring that no issue falls through the cracks and that tough customer interactions are efficiently addressed.


Having explored the intricacies of setting up a Jira ticketing system for different types of requests, let's now wrap up with a final overview and some actionable insights.

In implementing your system, you've likely encountered terms such as var referrer, var scriptTag, and encodeURIComponent(window.location.href). These are important elements that play a significant role in the functionality of your Jira ticketing system.

Utilizing JSON.parse(response) enables the system to interpret the data received from the server, transforming it into a usable format. Similarly, the window.LITHIUM.CommunityJsonObject.User.aid key assists in user identification, critical for managing and tracking requests.

One important function to implement is get_user_data?userId=-1) .done(function (response), which completes the user data retrieval process. This ensures every ticket is associated with a specific user, facilitating efficient management and resolution of requests.


You've done it! Now you know how to create a Jira ticketing system that caters to all, from external customer requests to internal employee queries and technical team requests.

With Jira's versatile features, your workflow will be smoother than ever. Keep exploring and customizing to suit your business needs.

Remember, an efficient ticketing system boosts productivity and enhances customer service.

So, go ahead and make the most of Jira!