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6 Steps to Hire People Like a Human

6 Steps to Hire People Like a Human

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Navigating the world of recruitment is like steering a ship through uncharted waters – it requires skill, foresight and a deep understanding of the diverse personalities that make up your crew.

There's more to the process than just ticking boxes and filling roles; it's about recognizing the unique human qualities each candidate brings to the table. It's about 'Recruiting Like a Human.'

In the following discussion, we'll explore six steps that will transform your recruitment process, making it not only more efficient but also more empathetic and human-centered.

This insightful journey will surely leave you pondering why you hadn't switched to this approach sooner.

So, are you ready to set sail on this enlightening voyage?

Key Takeaways

  • Strive for diversity and inclusion in the recruiting process to enhance company reputation and foster innovation through diverse perspectives.
  • Utilize recruiting tools as a tool to streamline the hiring process and gain insights into candidate personas through analytics and data.
  • Prioritize candidate experience by responding to all candidates, providing feedback, and personalizing hiring outreach to show respect and professionalism.
  • Building a strong company culture is essential for hiring success, attracting the right candidates, reducing turnover rates, and creating a positive work environment.

6 Steps to Recruiting Like a Human

To effectively recruit like a human, it's crucial to understand the importance of humane hiring practices and how they can help you attract top talent. By incorporating a more human approach to recruiting, you can create a more enjoyable candidate experience, which can set you apart from the competition.

Firstly, strive for diversity and inclusion in your recruiting process. This not only gives you a wider talent pool to draw from but also enhances your company's reputation.

Secondly, use recruiting tools to streamline the process, but always keep the human element in mind. This could be as simple as ensuring you respond to all candidates, whether they're successful or not.

Next, remember that recruiting should be seen as a long-term investment. This means setting realistic expectations for roles and matching skills to responsibilities.

Don't forget to personalize your hiring outreach. Doing so shows candidates that you value them as individuals.

Recruit Like a Pro: 6 Tips for Human-Centered Hiring

Building on the idea of humanizing your recruitment process, let's explore six pro tips that can further enhance your hiring strategy with a people-first approach.

First, cultivate a people-first company culture. This not only enhances the organization's brand but also makes the recruiting process more appealing to potential candidates.

Second, make human introductions part of your process to alleviate the mental exhaustion candidates often feel during assessments.

Third, set realistic expectations. Avoid eliminating too many candidates too quickly in your haste to fill positions.

Fourth, provide feedback to all candidates. This maintains open communication and clears any misunderstanding.

Fifth, personalize your hiring outreach. Candidates aren't just numbers; they're individuals who deserve your respect and attention.

Great recruiting doesn't require deep recruiting experience

Contrary to common belief, you don't need years of experience in the field to excel at recruiting; an empathetic, people-centric approach often yields better results. The key is to focus on the human side of the process. Utilize your recruiting software as a tool to streamline the process, but don't forget the importance of personal touch.

Your hiring team should prioritize candidate feedback, not just to improve your process but to build trust and credibility. Remember, how you treat an applicant would reflect on your company's culture and values. Job seekers are more likely to accept offers from companies they feel are transparent and respectful.

Personalizing your hiring outreach can also make a significant difference. Instead of sending generic emails, try to tailor your communication to each candidate's needs and experiences.

Lastly, consider recruiting as a long-term investment. Instead of just filling a position, think about how each hire will contribute to your team in the long run. This mindset can help you attract and retain strong candidates, regardless of your level of experience in recruiting.

Center your recruiting strategy on diversity and inclusion

While honing your recruiting skills and personalizing your approach are key, it's equally vital to center your hiring strategy around diversity and inclusion. This approach allows you to create an equitable workforce that truly represents our diverse society. Moreover, diversity within your team fosters innovation and creativity, bringing together a variety of perspectives and experiences.

To center your recruiting strategy on diversity and inclusion, make active efforts to reach out to candidates from underrepresented backgrounds. This might involve attending job fairs, partnering with organizations that serve diverse communities, or adjusting your job descriptions to ensure they're inclusive and appealing to a broad range of applicants.

The recruitment process should be designed to attract people of varied backgrounds, experiences, and skills. Emphasize the value of diversity and inclusion in your employer branding. This not only attracts a wider range of qualified candidates but also creates an inclusive and welcoming company culture.

Maximize the potential of your recruiting tools

To truly maximize the potential of your recruiting tools, you need to integrate them within a human-centric hiring strategy. Consider the Experience Manager, a tool designed to streamline the hiring process and enhance communication with candidates. With this tool, you can tailor job descriptions to appeal to the right candidates, ensuring they feel valued and understood.

Your tools can also help you optimize the application and interview process. A well-structured and efficient process won't just save your time, but also earns respect from your candidates. It's essential to make the most of these tools, not only for your convenience but also because candidates will feel more engaged and valued.

Furthermore, you can utilize your tools' analytics and data to gain insights into candidate personas. By understanding your candidates better, you can craft job descriptions that speak directly to them, enhancing their connection with your company.

Thoughtful recruiting is a long-term investment

Building on the use of effective tools, thoughtful recruiting also requires seeing each hire as a strategic, long-term investment. You're not just filling a vacant position, but adding value to your company's future. This means considering how each candidate fits in with your company's culture and goals during the interview process.

The application process is your first chance to ensure potential employees align with your company's values. It's also an opportunity to build your company's reputation. If you're transparent and considerate from the start, you're more likely to attract candidates who'll contribute positively in the long run.

Personalize your hiring outreach for meaningful connections

When reaching out to potential hires, ensure you craft personalized messages that highlight their unique skills and experiences. In today's job market, it's crucial to personalize your hiring outreach for meaningful connections. This doesn't just help in attracting talent, but also fosters a sense of respect and recognition.

Every candidate has a unique story to tell, a unique experience to share. Show genuine interest in this by referencing specific aspects of their background in your initial outreach. This gives them an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and how they can contribute to your team.

Ensure the tone of your communication reflects the culture and values of your company. This helps create a sense of belonging from the very start. After all, people-first companies understand the importance of making every interaction count.

Avoid using generic templates. Replace them with a conversational tone to establish a more personal and engaging interaction. This not only acknowledges their individuality but also expresses your appreciation for their potential contribution.

Prioritize candidate experience: Everyone gets a response

Just as you focus on personalizing your outreach, it's equally important to prioritize every candidate's experience by ensuring they all receive a response. In the competitive world of job search, leaving candidates hanging without any feedback can tarnish your company's reputation. So, prioritize candidate experience: everyone gets a response, be it an acceptance or rejection.

Rejection Emails, though a bitter pill to swallow, can be a positive experience when handled correctly. Don't ghost candidates. Instead, send them a personalized email explaining that they weren't selected. This not only shows respect but also provides closure to the candidate, leaving them with a positive impression of your company.

During this process, identify areas where your communication can be improved. Are you providing enough information about the hiring process? Are you setting clear expectations? These small changes can enhance the candidate experience significantly.

Building a Strong Company Culture: The Key to Successful Recruiting

To recruit like a human, you need to foster a strong company culture, a key factor that can significantly enhance your hiring success. A lot of companies underestimate the power of company culture, but it can make a difference. By investing time and effort into building a culture that values employees as individuals, not just workers, you'll attract candidates who are a good fit for your organization.

A positive culture can reduce turnover rates. When employees feel valued and part of a community, they're less likely to seek employment elsewhere. This can save you the inconvenience and cost of constantly recruiting and training someone else. Your culture should also be visible to prospective employees. It's not enough to claim you have a great culture, it needs to be evident.

A strong company culture can make your organization more attractive to top talents. According to research, 45% of job seekers consider company culture as a major factor when choosing an employer. So, if you're striving to recruit like a human, remember that creating a strong, positive company culture is a key step in that journey.

How Can Hiring Practices Incorporate Negotiation Skills?

Hiring practices can incorporate negotiation skills by utilizing the “12 tactics to win negotiations.” Employers can look for candidates who can effectively communicate, build relationships, and solve problems while showcasing their negotiation abilities. This ensures they can effectively navigate salary negotiations and other important facets of the hiring process.


It's time to step up your recruiting game. Remember, you're not just hiring qualifications, but real, diverse individuals.

Utilize your recruiting tools, prioritize diversity and inclusion, and make outreach personal.

Treat recruiting as a long-term investment, not a one-time task. Ensure every candidate gets a response, fostering a positive experience.

Above all, craft a solid company culture that attracts top talent.

Start recruiting like a human and watch your organization thrive.